Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Does It Mean To Believe?


Yohanan (John) 3:16 says “For Elohim so loved the world that He gave His only brought forth Son,
so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish but posses everlasting life.” That means that
everyone who believes in Elohim should live forever. Ya’acob writes in his letter, “Even the demons believe,
and shudder.” This is found in James 2:19 in The Bible So unless demons will live forever in a state of
rebellion, there must be more to belief than just acknowledging the existence of what you believe in. Let us
take for example, the President of The United States of America. We can read in the papers, or see on the
news the name of the person who currently holds that office. Nearly everyone will know that he is the
President. How many people believe that he should be president, or how many people believe that he is
taking the country in the right direction? Now the list is smaller, is it not? This brings up the question: “What
does it mean to believe?”. Would you, dear reader, say that you believe in Elohim? To believe in someone,
is more than just acknowledging their existence, or acknowledging that they occupy an office. To truly believe
in someone, you must believe that everything they say or do is right. Are you still claiming to believe in Elohim
now? Of all the people who believe in a higher power; how many people believe that hwhy is Elohim. How
many people truly believe in hwhy? Do You?
Wayyiqqra (Leviticus) 11:1-42 clearly describes food that is safe to eat and abominations that are not
edible. We will encounter people who say they believe, but they do not believe that they need to obey this
command. Do they not believe that hwhy meant this for all people or for all time? Do they believe that they
can cleanse the unclean by feeding the beast clean grains, slaughtering it a certain way, or through
refrigeration and freezing? If so, they believe in themselves or they don’t believe that hwhy knows everything!
There are some that believe that hwhy spoke this only to make us feel as if we are not worthy to be in His
presence. If you believe hwhy loves you then you will know that He did not make a law that He doesn’t expect
us to obey, and He did not put restrictions on us to make us feel unworthy to be in His presence! He gave
us perfect instructions to keep us from dying or to keep us healthy, wealthy and wise! Because of the
improper slaughtering in butcher shops, and/or preparing of foods in many Restaurants; some people who
believe in hwhy are abstaining from eating in restaurants, and many more are becoming vegetarians! If
people do not believe that this command applies to them, forcing them to obey it will not save them. We can
challenge them to follow these instructions to prove they will be healthier, and sometimes this leads them to
believe that hwhy is right. Doing what the law says will sometimes help someone believe, but doing without
belief will not get anyone into the Kingdom. On the other hand, why would one want to eat something that
Our Creator calls unclean. For example, hwhy said pig is unclean, and this author, believing that hwhy
knows best, does not eat pig. We cannot force people to believe; but what we believe will be reflected by what
we do. How can a person blatantly ignoring The Word of hwhy convince someone that hwhy is love?
The same concept works with other scriptures as well. Some instructions are not as specific so
let's not focus on what others are doing, just live what we believe. Does Wayyiqqra 19:19 include
cotton polyester and/or other synthetic blends? Debarim (Deuteronomy) 22:11 infers that it
doesn’t, however this chapter raises other questions. In verse 5, what is a man’s garment that a
woman is not to wear, and vice versa? How does verse 12 apply today? Is this command only for
the men, or is it for everyone? Is this command only for the children? See Bemidbar (Numbers)
15:37 41 for another reference. How do we make the fringe? Are we supposed to wear garments
that have four corners? Enough about clothes, let's talk about hair. Does Yehezqel (Ezekiel)
44:15 31 apply to us today, or just the priests of the time it was spoken? What does 1st Corinthians
11:14 mean? Is Paul saying that a man must cut his hair in the Greco-Roman fashion? Is Paul
simply saying that a man who doesn’t cut his hair is putting himself below Yahshua? (See Strong's
# 819 in Vines dictionary). 1st Corinthians 11:6 says that if a woman does not cut her hair, then she
must wear a covering. Is it possible that Paul is explaining why men don’t wear coverings?
Certainly a man wearing a crown (a type of covering) would be highly esteemed. Is being shamed
a bad thing in this context? There are many more issues in which it seems the scripture is unclear.
Are these scriptures to be taken literally, or are they metaphors? Although some people do take
Debarim (Deuteronomy) 6:8 literally, most of us see that as symbolic. To this day, I do not know
of anyone who took Debarim 10:16 literally. We know that we cannot convince anyone, it is the Spirit
that teaches all of us. The best way to handle such issues is to pray that hwhy reveals the truth to us. Some
will accept the truth. Others will reject it. We should be humble, and be constantly asking ourselves, “Am I
the one who is rejecting the truth?”.
What about the way we treat other people? Prophecy tells us that there will be peace on earth when
the Kingdom comes. Revelation 20:4 says that those who are martyred for proclaiming the truth, or for
refusing to follow the beast will be priests in The Kingdom. Matt. 5:11-12, and Matt. 10:22 say the same. Do
we believe this? Matt. 7:7-12 says that hwhy is our provider. Do we believe this? Is the way we treat other
people reflecting this belief? For example suppose that you walk up to your car and find someone trying to
hot-wire it. According to the letter of the law, that person now owes you two cars (Shemoth/Exodus 22:4).
Romans 7:6 says that we should serve in newness of Spirit and not in oldness of letter. A typical response
from a person led by The Spirit might be this: “Friend, what are you doing to my car? If you had asked me,
I would have let you use the car. But to show you that hwhy loves you; here are the keys, take the car and
be at peace.” If hwhy wants you to have your car then that person will flee. If that person needs your car for
whatever reason and it is good in the eyes of hwhy for him to have your car, then you know that hwhy will
not leave you without transportation! Would your response resemble this? Paul gives a list of characteristics
of a person led by the flesh in Galatians 5:19-21. Galatians 5:22-23 gives a list of Spirit led traits. Which list
best describes how you would respond to a person stealing your car? What if someone smacks you in your
face? The scriptures, (Matt. 5:39-48, Luke 6:28-29, Romans 12:17-210) are quite clear about how we should
respond. How many people would be guilty of murder if they reacted in the flesh, and the fight escalated?
Did Stephen (Acts 7:57-60) throw the stones back? What if you walked in to your house and saw someone
attacking one of your children? Would you trust that hwhy can protect your child, and pray for the salvation
of the attacker? Ephesians 6:16 says that your belief is a shield. If action is needed, let hwhy take that
action. You don’t stand a chance against that demon without hwhy. If we lose sight of the goal, (or doubt),
we could react in the flesh instead of letting the Spirit control our actions!
How great it is that YAHUSHUA died for our sins -- Especially when we are the ones that are in need of
forgiveness! Although we would like to remain in the Spirit and never sin, there will be times when we fall
short and need YAHUSHUA to fix our mistakes. It might not be even as extreme as the above examples.
We need to be on guard at all times because people are watching us, and will use the fact that we sinned to
justify their own sin! We are to be set-apart as hwhy is set-apart(Galatians 5:14-18, 1 Peter 1:16). Let us pray
constantly that the flesh will submit to the Spirit at all times. The only way we can live without sin
is to abide in the Spirit at all times. Many of us believe this is possible. This author has not
accomplished this goal yet. If we do fall short of the goal, do we believe that we can be forgiven if
we ask for forgiveness and repent? This is the most important thing to believe! Ibrim (Hebrews)
4:16 says to come boldly to the throne. How can one who does not believe in forgiveness be bold
in front of The Almighty? Will we stand on the day of resurrection, if we do not know that hwhy
is forgiving? So then, it is belief (faith) that gets us into the kingdom and not works. If we believe
in hwhy then we will do what He says. If we believe in ourselves and abide in ourselves, then we
will never be good enough. May hwhy bless you in your study of His word!